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Virtual Pediatric Hospital: CQQA: Choosing a Therapist

Pediatrics Common Questions, Quick Answers

Children and Mental Health: Choosing a Therapist

Donna D'Alessandro, M.D.
Lindsay Huth, B.A.
Peer Review Status: Internally Reviewed
Creation Date: May 2002
Last Revision Date: July 20, 2006

Common Questions, Quick Answers

What do therapists do?

Why might children go to a therapist?
Children may go to a therapist for a variety of reasons. They might include:

What are signs that my child needs help?
If your child shows any of the following symptoms, seeing a therapist may help. Talk to your doctor first.

What are the different types?
There are four main types of therapists who can help your child with a mental health problem. Each group must meet certain standards and update their training each year.




Social Workers

How do I choose one?

What questions should I ask?

How do I prepare my child?

What happens during a visit?

What strategies might be used?
There are many strategies. The therapist will use the ones that are best for your child. They may include:

What can parents do to help?

Quick Answers


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