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Virtual Pediatric Hospital: CQQA: Snacks and Dental Health

Pediatrics Common Questions, Quick Answers

Snacks and Dental Health

Donna D'Alessandro, M.D.
Lindsay Huth, B.A.
Peer Review Status: Internally Reviewed
Creation Date: December 2001
Last Revision Date: April 2002

Common Questions, Quick Answers

Why is healthy snacking important?

What is a healthy snack?

What are some healthy snack ideas?

What is an unhealthy snack?

What kinds of snacks should I avoid?
Limit snacks that are sweet and sticky, like dried fruits and toffee. Don't eat sugary foods that stay in the mouth for a long time, like gum and hard candies. Here are some other snacks you should avoid:

What can I do to prevent cavities?

Quick Answers


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