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Michael P. D'Alessandro, M.D.
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
Due to defective development of the hindgut and cloaca, and includes
a wide spectrum ranging from minor anal anomalies to complex
malformations of the terminal bowel and genitourinary tract. Fistulas
commonly extend from the rectal sac to the perineum or genital tract
in a female, or to the urinary tract in a male. Classification is
based on the relationship of the terminal colon to the levator sling
muscles of the pelvic flood. High lesions terminate above the sling
and low lesions terminate below the sling a short distance from the
perineum. Determining if the lesion is high or low is key because
high lesions require colonic diversion and delayed repair while low
lesions can be repaired primarily. High lesions have no perineal
opening. Low lesions are often associated with fistulas to the
perineum or posterior vaginal fourchette.
Not applicable
Imaging Findings:
An inverted lateral view is obtained with the infant held in an
inverted position for at least five minutes to allow air to enter the
terminal bowel. The level of the anomaly is determined by the
relationship of the terminal bowel to the levator sling, with the
levator sling level being determined by the M point which lies at the
level of the junction of the middle and distal third of the ischium.
Any perineal opening should be injected with contrast to demonstrate the level of the lesion.
Forty percent of high lesions and 25% of low lesions have urinary tract defects. Plain films of the spine as well as renal ultrasound and voiding cystourethrography studies must be ordered in each patient.
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