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Michael P. D'Alessandro, M.D.
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
Is a shearing fracture of the proximal femoral growth plate with a
subsequent epiphyseal slip. In reality it represents a Salter-Harris
Type I fracture caused by chronic stress from the patient's obesity.
The femoral head remains within the acetabulum while the femoral
shaft is pulled laterally and anteriorly with external rotation so in
reality it is the shaft that slips and not the femoral head. There is
a history of previous injury in 50% of the patients and 20-30% are
bilateral. Treated with stabilization via pinning. Late complications
include avascular necrosis, articular chondrolysis, degenerative
arthritis and various deformities of the femoral head and neck.
Not applicable
Imaging Findings:
On the frontal film generalized osteopenia of the hip along with
widening of physis is all that may be seen. The lateral film is the
best film to make the diagnosis on, it shows a smooth
epiphyseal-metaphyseal junction. Later in the course the metaphyseal
head can be seen undergoing resorption.
See References Chapter.
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"Virtual Pediatric Hospital", the Virtual Pediatric Hospital logo, and "A digital library of pediatric information" are all Trademarks of Donna M. D'Alessandro, M.D. and Michael P. D'Alessandro, M.D.
Virtual Pediatric Hospital is funded in whole by Donna M. D'Alessandro, M.D. and Michael P. D'Alessandro, M.D. Advertising is not accepted.
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